A Monumental Moment: m-mama Provides 100,000 Emergency Transfers

July 29, 2024

This month, m-mama has officially provided 100,000 transfers in Tanzania and Lesotho! That is 100,000 times that a woman in labor in rural Tanzania or Lesotho who needed emergency transportation was successfully connected to life-saving care. Together, we are breaking down the barriers that keep people from care.

We celebrate this achievement with our incredibly dedicated and talented staff and partners. The vision and commitment of the Vodafone Foundation have paved the way for m-mama's transformational impact in maternal health outcomes in Africa. We honor all of our partners whose contributions have made m-mama into the impactful program that it is: the Governments of Tanzania and Lesotho, ELMA Philanthropies, Grand Challenges Canada, USAID, Pathfinder International, and Riders for Health.  

m-mama is an emergency service, singularly focused on responding to pregnant women as they seek to navigate labor and delivery safely. In rural communities – in Tanzania, Lesotho, and around the world – women and newborns are most at risk to suffer the consequences of inaccessible care and disconnection from the health system. In sub-Saharan African countries, maternal mortality rates are unacceptably high. With lives on the line, m-mama works directly to intervene in emergency situations and to break down the barriers to care – in pilot regions, the program has been proven to reduce maternal mortality by 27%.  

We are incredibly proud that m-mama has come this far – and that we have made an impact on the lives of so many women, and provided newborns with a safe and healthy start in life. m-mama represents the power of partnerships. We honor and recognize our implementing partners and funders, and we extend our deepest appreciation to the thousands of community drivers, dispatchers, and health care workers who are at the heart of this program. Learn more about m-mama here.