
Our work relies on strong partnerships with a wide variety of stakeholders, from governments and donor agencies, to private foundations, corporations, and individual donors. Select partners include:

Program Partners

Current Partners

Vodafone Foundation

Through our collaboration with the Vodafone Foundation, we worked with Pathfinder International to develop M-Mama, a program aimed at reducing maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity. As part of the program, we are leveraging Vodafone’s extensive mobile communications network to upgrade rural referral and transportation systems for pregnant women.

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

We are privileged to be a partner of USAID’s mission in Tanzania. Through our public-private partnership with USAID, they match donations we raise privately, allowing us to maximize our impact. Since 2007, USAID has awarded over $17 million to Touch.

The ELMA Foundation

Touch partners with The ELMA Foundation on the watotoCare program which is piloting a new approach to post-natal care for newborns at Sengerema Hospital in northern Tanzania. watotoCare seeks to improve newborn health outcomes by keeping babies connected to the care system after discharge from a hospital. Through telehealth and transport innovations, watotoCare will enroll 5,000 newborn between July 2024 and December 2025.

Grand Challenges Canada

Grand Challenges Canada is funded by the Government of Canada and is dedicated to supporting Bold Ideas with Big Impact®. Touch partners with Grand Challenges Canada to continue scaling up our M-Mama program, aimed at reducing maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa.

McKinsey & Company

McKinsey & Company has contributed valuable in-kind support since Touch’s inception in 2004. Additionally, joint McKinsey-Touch projects have informed Touch’s strategy and approach to addressing the healthcare crisis in Tanzania throughout the organization’s history. McKinsey employees generously donate to Touch through their Gift of Hope campaign and serve on our Board of Directors.

Vitol Foundation

Touch partners with the Vitol Foundation on a program that supports the CSSC network of hospitals and clinics to expand access to care for rural patients and to strengthen financial resilience. Touch’s SimuConsult program and Fast-Track are part of this initiative. Historically, Vitol has provided invaluable support for Touch’s legacy Treat & Train program, which expanded clinical rotations for medical students to rural areas.


Touch’s MediFIKIA initiative is supported by Sanofi's Global Health Unit for Sustainable Impact. Together with Sanofi, MediFIKIA is implementing innovative solutions to supply chain and patient tracking challenges that create barriers to high quality care for non-communicable disease patients at 28 hospitals in Tanzania’s Lake Zone.

Mulago Foundation

Touch is grateful to the Mulago Foundation for its support of m-mama. In 2023, Touch Program Director Linda Deng was selected by Mulago for the Rainer Arnhold Fellowship, which supports social entrepreneurs addressing global challenges to take their innovations to scale.

DAK Foundation

DAK Foundation supports Touch’s HTM model for operations maintenance at Tanzanian hospitals. With generous funding from DAK, Touch has partnered with the Tanzanian Ministry of Health to provide technical and policy assistance for enhancing the medical oxygen ecosystem and improving health technology management at Tanzania’s tertiary hospitals.

Past Partners


AstraZeneca and Touch began working together in 2018 in order to improve hypertension care in Tanzania, contributing to the multi-country Healthy Heart Africa program spearheaded by AstraZeneca.

Medtronic Foundation

Medtronic Foundation is focused on strategic financing and partnerships that advance global health, address social determinants of health and deepen civic engagement.